Diversion programs are initiatives in which persons with serious mental illness who are involved with the criminal justice system are redirected from traditional criminal justice pathways to the mental health and substance abuse treatment systems. Pretrial diversion allows qualifying individuals to be placed under probation-like supervision for a period of up to one year. on parole. in local jails. competency. Often, participants must agree to attend classes and vocational training, participate in individual or group therapy or counseling, perform community service work, make restitution to any victim, and pay fines. CHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVES. That is certainly the case when it comes to diversion programs in the state of Kansas.Although diversion can come in many forms, the basic principle is well-established and straightforward: A person charged with a crime fulfills certain requirements, such as completing Diversion does not necessarily require a child to be placed in a formal programme but includes interventions such as receiving a police caution, writing an These programs emphasize counseling, treatment, and behavior modification over punitive measures. It includes information on justice-related programs and assigns evidence ratings--effective, promising, and no effects--to indicate whether there is evidence from research that a program achieves its goals. Types Of Diversion Programs Currently Used The Juvenile Justice System. Although diversion programs are viewed as a function of the prosecutor’s office, 59% of diversion programs give judicial courts a role as well14, and they can begin at any point in the criminal justice system15: Prebooking Diversion Programs send offenders out of the system before they are charged, usually for mental health counseling. diversion can incorporate a variety of strategies from school based crime prevention programmes through to community based programmes used as an alternative to custody. Diversion does not necessarily require a child to be placed in a formal programme but includes interventions such as receiving a police caution, writing an

A number of programs have become associated with restorative justice because of the processes they use to respond to and repair the harm caused by crime: victim-offender mediation programs use trained mediators to bring victims and their offenders together in order to discuss the crime, its aftermath, and the steps needed to make things right The brief lists a sampling of programs currently in use across the country. In prebooking diversion, the police officer is the decisionmaker, although few police departments provide training in specialized responses to those with mental … Under Ohio law, a prosecuting attorney may establish a pretrial diversion program for certain non-violent criminal defendants who are unlikely to reoffend. An additional 7 percent are also potentially eligible for diversion, while 32 percent are not, according to the study. Some of these individuals are good candidates for diversion in the approximately 50 jail-based diversion programs that currently exist. Pretrial diversion (PTD) is an alternative to prosecution which seeks to divert certain offenders from traditional criminal justice processing into a program of supervision and services administered by the U.S. 8 points QUESTION 5 In 2014, the largest correctional population were those: in prison. Diversion programs can last from six months to a year or more. Determine the specific type of diversion program you wish to implement. diversion can incorporate a variety of strategies from school based crime prevention programmes through to community based programmes used as an alternative to custody.

Diversion Programs. On completion of this chapter, students should be able to do the following: •• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of prevention and diversion programs •• Describe three major types of prevention •• List and discuss several specific prevention and diversion programs •• Discuss the concept of restorative justice •• Describe some specialty or … Diversion refers to diverting an accused child away from formal court procedures and towards a more constructive and positive solution. Informal diversion occurs when an official in the justice system decides, by using the appropriate discretion, that a case would be better kept out of the justice system. Of that total, RAND concluded 61 percent meet the criteria currently used by the County’s Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) to determine whether an individual may be put forward to the courts as a candidate for diversion.

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