For this reason the appellant is undisputedly the deemed ‘banking and other financial institution’. Joint and several liability also applies to husbands and wives resident in the same dwelling and to unmarried couples living as husband and wife. Suppose A provides service to B for INR 100,000. Assessee liable to pay service tax only on service component of works contract: HC. The tax that is levied on “service” may be collected either from the service provider or the recipient of the service. He charges GST (assumed rate 18%) of INR 18,000. life insurance business as the case may be, in India. Calculating and paying tax after someone dies When someone dies, their estate will normally have to pay any tax due before any money is distributed to their heirs. The landlord has an empty property listed for renting – they pay council tax for while they wait for a tenant to move in; When the landlord is responsible for council tax. If the failure to pay VAT is deliberate or a company director takes any action to evade paying VAT, they can be made personally liable.

The person assessed to tax, who is primarily liable to pay the tax is, on the facts of this case, the lessor.

25. But, when this liability get “reversed” and the recipient is charged with liability to pay tax to the government, the concept of reverse charge emerges. In some cases, the owner of the property / landlord is liable to pay council tax. Whether an employer or an employee will be liable for the unpaid tax will depend on the application of ‘reasonable care’ rules. The third tax company directors can be made personally liable for is VAT. The following persons are liable to pay service tax – 1.

Service provider liable to pay service tax [section 68(1)]: According to section 68 any person providing taxable services to any person shall pay service tax at the rate specified in section 66B in such manner and within such period as … But if at least one occupant is not a student, the LL is liable for council tax. 2. If the description fits more than one person, then each person is jointly and severally liable with the others, which means that any one of them can be required to pay the full amount of council tax payable. The liability to pay tax to the government is usually on the supplier. In your case it sounds as though he has made it a condition of your tenancy as lodgers that you pay a contribution directly. Service provider liable to pay service tax [section 68(1)]: According to section 68 any person providing taxable services to any person shall pay service tax at the rate specified in section 66B in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed. May 25, 2020 [2020] 116 719 (Madhya Pradesh) 225 Views. service tax is the recipient of such service.

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