Subject: Clear Air Turbulence Avoidance. However, we commonly reserve the term for high level wind shear turbulence, even when in cirrus clouds. Die Clear Air Turbulence, kurz CAT, tritt bei eigentlich freier Atmosphäre und guter Sicht durch Windscherungen in einer Höhe von 5.000 bis 6.000 Metern ein. Equivalent dominant turbulent patches of the deep ocean have not yet been detected in their actively turbulent states. This advisory circular (AC) describes various types of Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), some of the weather patterns associated with CAT, and turbulence reporting systems and networks.
Also included is information on turbulence forecasts and products. Fossils of clear air turbulence (CAT) (referred to as ‘angels’) have long been well known to radar operators. But Gillan did make an effort to try different things, and he was at his most experimental on Clear Air Turbulence. Cold outbreaks colliding with warm air from the south intensify weather systems in the vicinity of the jet stream along the boundary between the cold and warm air. However, we commonly reserve the term for high level wind shear turbulence, even when in cirrus clouds. Clear air turbulence is not restricted to cloud-free air (75% of all CAT encounters are in clear air). Clear Air Turbulence: Music. CAT can happen at any altitude, but is often the most intense where the winds are strongest, such as near the jet stream. Übersetzung für 'clear-air turbulence' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Date: 3/22/16 AC No: 00-30C ; Initiated by: AFS-400 .
Cold outbreaks colliding with warm air from the south intensify weather systems in the vicinity of the jet stream along the boundary between the cold and warm air. Ausgelöst wird eine Clear Air Turbulence, wenn zwei benachbarte Luftmassen in unterschiedliche Richtungen drängen und/oder abweichende Geschwindigkeiten besitzen. Music. clear air turbulence Clear air turbulence is turbulence not associated with cumuliform clouds, including thunderstorms, occurring at or above 15,000 feet. It is usually invisible and so can be dangerous as clear air turbulence. Clear-air turbulence occurs in areas of strong wind shear, normally around jet streams. Clear-air turbulence (CAT), erratic air currents that occur in cloudless air between altitudes of 6,000 and 15,000 metres (20,000 and 49,000 feet) and constitute a hazard to aircraft. 2 CANCELLATION.
Clear-air turbulence is usually impossible to detect with the naked eye and very difficult to detect with a conventional radar, [4] with the result that it is difficult for aircraft pilots to detect and avoid it. Clear air turbulence (CAT) implies turbulence devoid of clouds. Clear-air turbulence definition is - sudden severe turbulence occurring in cloudless regions that causes violent jarring or buffeting of aircraft.
Clear-air Turbulence When wind-shear turbulence happens outside of (and not near) a thunderstorm cloud, it is called clear-air turbulence (CAT) . Clear air turbulence (CAT) implies turbulence devoid of clouds. Clear air turbulence or CAT for short is an aviation phenomenon that can suddenly occur in cloudless areas, causing a buffeting effect on aircraft. Examples of clear-air turbulence in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web The main consequence for aviation is an increase in clear-air turbulence, or in-flight bumpiness at high altitudes in regions devoid of significant cloudiness or nearby thunderstorms, as the jet stream becomes more unstable. Die Klarluftturbulenz oder Clear Air Turbulence (abgekürzt CAT), zu deutsch Turbulenz in wolkenfreier Luft, ist eine starke Luftbewegung in Bereichen ohne sichtbare Wolkenphänomene.Sie führt bei starken Beschleunigungen i. d. R. zu einer ungewollten Höhenänderung eines Flugzeugs, was von Flugzeuginsassen teilweise als „Luftloch“ aufgefasst wird. It is not associated with cloud and therefore cannot be detected in advance, and can be sufficiently violent to cause injury or even death to passengers or aircrew if not restrained by seat belts.
[1] In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is fluid motion characterized by chaotic changes in … But it can be detected by radar or seen by chance as billow clouds when the humidity is such that the rising air in a vortex leads to condensation as cloud and the falling air leads to evaporation (see Figure 4 ). CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE. AC …
Enjoyable, if uneven, this album illustrates Gillan 's willingness to take some chances.
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