Video. Take a sip every time you see Brenda Song, the definitive Disney Darling. Just over two years ago, Disney released a somewhat campy and fun movie that looked at the Descendants of some of Disney’s most infamous characters. Two years later, the kids are a bit more heroic and accepted, but that doesn’t mean drama doesn’t exist. 2.1 One drink; 2.2 Two drinks; 2.3 Three drinks; 2.4 Drink … Photo.

Every time lightning yells out Macks name take a drink. By Laura Bradle y. Ask. The way it works is we make a list of different things that happen or are said in the movie and assign drinks to them. And even though Harry Potter has changed many lives, I haven't been satisfied with any of the wizard and witch themed drinking games I have encountered, so I wanted to create my own, specialized by movie. The perfect Harry Potter drinking game would combine the lovable characters, impossible to remember spells, and bewildering magic of the series. Enjoy And Share Because Disney Channel Original Movies were your childhood, and nostalgia + alcohol = best weekend ever. Movie Drinking Games. Not only will your friends be happy that they won’t have to grab a taxi to get home, but it’s also a great way to watch some of your favorite or new films and get a little tipsy at the same time. Someone dies, someone falls in love, someone kisses someone and a good handful of songs are sung along the way. Cars 1,2,&3 drinking game . This Disney Drinking Game is a way to revisit all those classics you loved as a kid, except this time you’ll be getting loaded.

Otherwise, you will drink every time he is on screen and die before the first mook does. We have new and old movies and add new movies as they come out. See more ideas about Movie drinking games, Drinking games, Good movies.

About This Post. Drinking game for Mulan: Take a shot when: Someone bows. Below are the best movies for drinking games. Not his normal level of ham but something equal to his introductory, "I LLIVVVVEEEEE!" Set-up: The Disney drinking game can be played with 2+ players. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! This movie follows Rapunzel and her magic hair as she slowly but surely figures out the reality of her situation and attempts to escape the tower where she’s spent most of her life. Chat. Take a shot every time you recognize an actor or actress, but can’t figure … More Cheers!

Common things are normally one chug and the more rare moments in the movie can go from two drinks to a shot to a whole beer. Even better, we've already come up with the drinking rules for you – so scan through our list or movies below and decide what you'll be watching for the next 2 hours. Enter Disney Descendants 2!

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