The actor committed suicide on June 3, 2013, by hanging herself from a ceiling fan at her home in Mumbai. It's been six years since Jiah Khan passed away. | Hindi Movie News - Bollywood - Times of India Actress Jiah Khan's sudden demise on 3rd June, 2013 left everyone in shock. Latest Bollywood News, Bollywood Celebrity News, Breaking News, Celeb News, Celebrities News at Bollywood It was reported that the actress had committed suicide by hanging after an alleged fight with her boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi. It was reported that the actress had committed suicide by hanging after … Indian Actress Jiah Khan, who entered Bollywood with “Nishabhd” beside Amitabh Bachchan, committed suicide on June 3, 2013.
It was reported that Jiah took this grave step after allegedly fighting with her then-boyfriend and actor Sooraj Pancholi. If recent reports are to believed, a British television broadcaster is set to make a documentary on Jiah Khan's suicide case. Details Inside! The Jiah Khan death case has seen a new turn with the CBI filing its chargesheet on December 9. (Redirected from Jiashah) Jiah Khan (born Nafisa Rizvi Khan, 20 February 1988 – 3 June 2013) was a British American and Indian Film actress and singer who appeared in three Hindi films from 2007 to 2010. Now we hear that a British filmmaker is keen on making a three-part documentary series on the actress's death case. Actress Jiah Khan’s suicide came as a shocker to everyone in 2013. Jiah Khan, a promising actress at the time, made her career debut opposite Amitabh Bacchan in Nishabd. It was reported that Jiah took such a drastic step after allegedly fighting with her then-boyfriend and actor Sooraj Pancholi.After five years of her death, Sooraj was charged with abetment to suicide on January 31, 2018. Now, a three-part documentary series on her life is being planned by the UK based filmmakers.
Subscribe to watch more videos : When the news of her death came around, it was gruesome and unfortunate to hear about. Later, the actress' mother Rabia Khan filed a case against Sooraj which still hasn't been settled in court. The young and talented actress’ death came as a shock for the entire industry. – As per reports, a popular British television broadcaster is planning to make a three-part documentary series on Jiah Khan’s death. The death of Jiah Khan, who made her Bollywood debut opposite Amitabh Bachchan in 2007 film Nishabd, came as a shocker to many six years ago. After debuting with Amitabh Bachchan, she went on working with Aamir Khan in Ghajini which was a blockbuster. It's been six years since Jiah Khan passed away. Now, a report suggests that a three-part documentary series is going to be made on the Jiah Khan case by a British filmmaker. Jiah Khan changed her name from Nafisa Khan before making her debut in ‘Nishabd’ (2007) and changed it back to Nafisa Khan in 2012.
The British-American actress who was also seen in films like Ghajini and Housefull committed suicide in 2013 in Mumbai. On June 3, 2013, the actress hanged herself from a ceiling fan at her home in Mumbai. Born in New York City and raised in London, she was the niece of … Six years ago, the country woke up to the shocking news of actress Jiah Khan's death. Pancholi, though charged with abatement of suicide, has yet to be given a final verdict. Jiah Khan's controversial demise to be showcased in a British Documentary. Now a documentary series on the death of Jiah Khan?
It was reported that Jiah took this grave step after allegedly fighting with her then-boyfriend and actor Sooraj Pancholi.
Interestingly, Jiah Khan was Mukesh Bhatt’s first choice for the lead role in his movie Tumsa Nahin Dekha (2004). It’s been six years since Jiah Khan passed away.
Details Inside! Latest reports suggest that Jiah Khan's suicide case will be made into a three-part series.
The team has apparently reached Mumbai. Jiah made her debut with Amitabh Bachchan on the big screen with Nishabd and gained popularity with her performance in Housefull and Ghajini. British Filmmaker working on a Documentary based on Jiah Khan’s suicide A shock wave hit the country six years ago when the young Bollywood actress, Jiah Khan was found dead in her apartment.
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