As the steering committee is the project’s ultimate decision-making body, it must consist of those stakeholders who are the real decision-makers. That job will be made much easier if the surrounding work environment is consistently positive, where every voice is heard, opinions are respected, information is shared, and common sense prevails. The committee does not oversee day-to-day operations, but rather deals with operational functions from a strategic level.
The Operating Committee also maintains a work plan that prioritizes the existing and future work of the committee and its subgroups consistent with the business and strategic plans of NERC. As members of management, committee members develop insight into the business operations in order to suggest strategic business directions and business policy implementation. Steering committees can also help teams keep the right perspective when it comes to their projects, stay on budget, and carefully analyze the impact that any changes could cause to … Steering Committee Meetings The steering committee shall meet on a regular basis, not less than once a school term, to review the progress of the project and plan the ongoing development of the delivery of settlement services to clients. Steering Committee Management Committee Description: The Steering Committee is made up of and is accountable to Coalition members representing main stakeholder groups and is mainly responsible for ensuring that Coalition decisions are in line with Coalition philosophy by creating working groups and electing members of the Management Committee. If the executive sponsor does not delegate the practical elements of the steering committee meetings to you, your remaining – and ultimate role – is to present the status of the project to the committee members so that they can provide the steer that is required. The term is derived from the steering mechanism that changes the steering angle of a vehicle's wheels. Best Practices; Steering / Operations Committees Best Practises Steering and Operations Committees Index 1. At the end of the day, steering committees are "just people" appointed to do a difficult (and often thankless) job. steering committee: An advisory committee usually made up of high level stakeholders and/or experts who provide guidance on key issues such as company policy and objectives, budgetary control, marketing strategy, resource allocation, and decisions involving large expenditures. The name “operations committee” -- or “operating committee” -- can be a bit misleading. where a conflict arises between project/programme and …
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